Eager to test the tank, in particular with caffenol, I loaded an ISO200 C41 film into my Canon QL17 and went out shooting.
You might be familiar with the fact that you should over expose by 2 stops when planning use caffenol on a C41 film. That precisely I did, I exposed the film as if it was ISO50.
The Agfa Rondix holds 200ml of fluid only.
So, the following recipe was used today.
- 200 ml water
- 2 tsp washing soda
- 2+ tsp coffee crystals
- 1/4 tsp ascorbic acid
Processing with the Rondix requires constant agitation. Still I kept my timing the same (slightly reduced ascorbic acid in the recipe thought).
- 17 min Rondix type agitation
- 3 water changes for washing w/ several cycles (wash should pour out clean)
- 3 min fixing
- 5 water changes for washing w/ several cycles
- 1 last wash w/ a drop of dish washing soup, several cycles
Washing according to the Ilford method takes less time in a regular (reversible) tank. However, I am confident that the Rondix provides all one needs for developing film in daylight easily.
Observation: My tank was sold to me with the remark that it might be unused. I believe that, since there was no smell to the tank at all. However, that also means that the seal never has seen any moisture. My tank leaked a little bit at said seal, with a little I mean like 5 drops during the entire processing. Still, I should try to find a solution (new seal) to this issue.
As soon as the film is dry, I will provide some scans.
2 more tanks to test, stay tuned!